Free Course

Yoga is not (only) Asana

This free lecture will take you through the basics of yoga theory and techniques - benefits, types of yoga, main principles and methods. We will look together at what traditional yoga is and how modern brands have evolved.

Cohort Courses

Integral Journey

Soon we will open this unique 12 months long course, where we will go through all levels of consciousness together from the beginning. Regular online live sessions with practice, mantras and meditations will be supplemented with lots of theoretical information to properly understand the techniques and practice. Reserve your place. The number of participants will be limited.

Practial Ayurveda

This course is designed for those seeking a deeper understanding of Vedic sciences and their practical application in everyday life. Across 27 lessons, we will explore the body’s organs through the lens of yoga and Ayurveda, offering practical guidance on incorporating this knowledge into asana practice. The course will also delve into Ayurvedic psychology and its integration into yoga. Additionally, we will illuminate the Ayurvedic approach to healing, focusing on the three bodies and the five koshas.


YOGA: Find Peace in the Turmoil of Life

A 6-hour course featuring 2 meditation practices, plus bonus materials: 2 asana practices, additional audio lessons, and practical resources available on our platform.

Practical tools for your well-being: Asanas, meditation, mantras, kriya, and pranayama.

Essential knowledge for your growth: Explore the intersection of science and yoga, delve into neurology, vibrations, and archetypes.

Theoretical insights for your wisdom: Learn about yoga and asana, the goals of yoga, tools for self-development, and different yoga paths.

Discussion, sharing, and community: A safe space to ask everything you've always wanted to know but never dared to ask.


Ayurvedic Diagnostics of Imbalances

We will identify key structural imbalances and provide recommendations for lifestyle and attitude adjustments. By helping you understand the connections between your physical, psychological, and spiritual state, we’ll guide you toward greater harmony. Based on the diagnosed imbalances, we will suggest essential areas to focus on, offering practical corrections in diet, lifestyle, and personal practice.










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